Best 7 Turmeric Supplements I Tried (For 2020)

Best 7 Turmeric Supplements I Tried For 2018

I’ve been fighting chronic pain for over 10 years – but I only found turmeric pretty recently.

So if there’s something I can recommend you for inflammation, it’s surely turmeric.

It’s the best choice – whether you have:

  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • knee pain
  • or any chronic swelling

But which product is the best choice for you? T

here are hundreds on the market at this point – but most of them have a pretty bad quality.

Well, let me show you the best 7 turmeric supplements I personally tried. 


#1 Recommendation – Turmeric Plus ($23.95)

My Turmeric Plus Review - The #1 Remedy For ArthritisThis is the cheapest supplement that relieved my chronic pain almost completely.

That’s the #1 reason why I recommend it:

  • I’ve been using it for a while now
  • And it relieves my pain better than anything else

Why? It contains the perfect combination inside. It’s one of the few products whose dosages are just fine for my body.

I personally believe its ingredients are more pure than others.

So that’s the turmeric supplement I can guarantee for:

  • it’s super affordable – compared to most 
  • it REALLY works – based on my experience with it

TIP: You can get it for about $16 for bottle. Use my 5% off code from below. If you choose a larger package, you get a free bottle and a bigger discount, so that’s around $16/bottle.

Ingredients: Turmeric Powder, Curcuminoides, Bioperine

How It Works: 10 out of 10 – it’s one of the few products I rated so high:

  •  probably the fastest supplement I tried
  • I started to feel a small improvement in my pain after about 3 days since I started it
  • But what surprised me is that it relieved my pain considerably in 2 weeks

That’s why I consider it as being the best one.

Best For: Inflammation, chronic pain, weight loss, high blood pressure, cancer.

I recommend it to people who want to get the best effect without paying a huge amount.

  • The cheapest supplement that relieved my chronic pain almost completely
  • Best ingredients with high doses
  • Only 2 pills per day
  • Worked faster than any other supplement I took (after about 3 days)
  • I think their ingredients are a lot more pure than others (judging after the effect)
  • Also works weight loss, high blood pressure and some other conditions
  • Only available on the official website of the brand (you can’t find it on Amazon or Ebay)
See My Full Review HERE



#2 – Joint Advantage Gold ($49.49)

Though it’s not the typical turmeric supplement – Joint Advantage Gold is my second recommendation.

Overall, it’s a great supplement when it comes to relieving pain:

  • it has a very strong effect
  • it works really fast – compared to others

But as I said, it’s not a classic “turmeric supplement”:

  • it contains turmeric and some other herbs for inflammation
  • but it also has some substances for osteoarthritis

But that’s not a bad thing at all. 

When it comes to relieving pain, it works almost as well as the #1. But it needed a longer time to relieve my pain.

Also, it’s extremely expensive for an average person – so I couldn’t buy such a pricey supplement every month. 

Ingredients: Glucosamine sulfate, Meriva Phytosome (with turmeric extract), NEM Eggshell Membrane, HerbaZyme Soothing Blend, Boswellia extract, Bovine cartilage 

How It Works: 9 out of 10. It relieved my chronic pain pretty well – but it worked way slower than my #1 recommendation.

That’s why it gets a slightly lower grade.

Best For: Chronic pain with inflammation. I also recommend it if you have cartilage problems, because of the glucosamine sulfate it contains.

  • Varied ingredients in pretty high doses (some are even original)
  • Uses Meriva Phytosome, which is a great form of turmeric
  • I went from a 7 to a 2.5 in about one month, which is pretty fast
  • Also contains some other anti-inflammatory herbs
  • Extremely expensive – one bottle costs about $50 and only lasts 30 days
  • You have to take 6 pills per day, which is huge
See My Full Review HERE



#3 – Smarter Nutrition Curcumin ($40.00)

My Smarter Nutrition Curcumin Review - Is It A Good Choice?This supplement has one of the most impressive ingredient lists I’ve seen.

However, it’s not the best one I tried for a couple of reasons. Now:

  • It doesn’t have the regular gelatin pills – but softgels
  • Also, it’s an oily extract – which makes it easier for the curcumin to get absorbed
  • That’s the reason why it doesn’t have any bioperine

I’m personally not a huge fan of this formula, even though it does work. Here’s why:

  • It didn’t relieve my pain just as well as the first 2
  • And it worked much slower
  • It’s super expensive ($40 per monthly supply)

But after about 2 months, I was feeling much better.

So even though it looks really impressive – Smarter Nutritions’ Curcumin isn’t my top recommendation.

It’s a very expensive product – one month supply costs about $40, which I couldn’t really afford. If you do, it’s something worth buying. 

But if you don’t, my #1 recommendation is cheaper and it works better overall.

Ingredients: Curcumin C3 Reduct, Black Cumin Seed Oil, Ginger Root Extract, AstraGin

How It Works: 8 out of 10. It was effective, but pretty slow:

  • It started working after about one week
  • But it was really slow compared to the first 2
  • My pain got from a 7 to about a 3 in 2 months, which isn’t very fast

Best For: Inflammation, chronic pain and other health problems. Basically everything that turmeric is good for.

  • High quality ingredients (with lower doses, but they compensate for that)
  • It doesn’t need any bioperine, because of its different formula
  • Only 2 pills per day
  • Relieved my chronic pain pretty well overall, so it works
  • Pretty slow. Though it started working from the second week (that is fast), it needed about 2 months to work at its best
  • Very expensive, I couldn’t afford it every month
See My Full Review HERE



#4 – Solgar Curcumin ($41.24)

My Solgar Curcumin Review - Is It So Amazing?Here’s another supplement that doesn’t stick to the classics.

Solgar’s curcumin is also a liquid extract, so it claims to have a better absorption (it doesn’t use bioperine). 

I assume this is true, since it really decreased my chronic pain. However, it’s only no.4 on this list because it’s not as good as it seems, in my opinion:

  • it needed a longer time to work
  • it didn’t relieve my pain as well as my top recommendations

So the label somehow made it look better than it really is – that was my feeling. 

However, Solgar’s curcumin is by no means bad:

  • It’s a bit expensive – but that $41.24 is for 2 months

Unfortunately, there’s no 30 days version, so that could be a downside. But anyway, if you afford that money, it’s not a bad choice at all. 

Ingredients: Full Spectrum Curcumin Liquid Extract

How It Works: 7 out of 10. It did relieve my pain (from a 7 to a 3.5), but it didn’t work very fast.

Also, I had expected to get a better relief – considering what the label says about their curcumin. That’s why I was a bit disappointed. 

Best For: Swelling, chronic pain, RA and everything that turmeric is good for.

  • Interesting formula, which I haven’t seen before
  • The softgels are pretty easy to swallow
  • Only one pill per day
  • Affordable price overall
  • Does relieve the pain decently, but it doesn’t work very fast (I didn’t notice any change in the first week)
  • No 30 days version, so you’re forced to buy the 60 days one, which is pretty pricey (even though it may not help you)
  • Its effect didn’t amaze me
See My Full Review HERE


#5 – CuraMed Curcumin ($48.76)

My Curamed Curcumin Review – Miracle Or Hype?This is another really good supplement – especially when it comes to ingredients.

It contains BCM-95-curcumin, which is a very good form of turmeric extract.

However, I don’t like that it doesn’t contain anything else. Not even a few mg of turmeric powder. 

CuraMed’s Curcumin promises a faster absorption, but I can’t say I was very thrilled with it:

  • it did relieve my pain
  • but it couldn’t compare to the previous 3 products
  • besides, it also needed about 2 months to work at its best

So even though there’s a lot of fuss around it, I don’t think it’s the best curcumin supplement you can get.

Yes, it’s a good choice – because its formula does work.

But it’s definitely far from the best one:

  • it’s not very cheap
  • so not all of us could afford it easily.

That’s why it’s not among my top 3 recommendations, despite being a good product.

Ingredients: Proprietary Complex (with BCM-95-Curcumin)

How It Works: 7 out of 10. It took my pain from a 7 to about a 4 in 2 months.

In terms of effect, that is pretty good, but it’s far from the top 3 supplements. In terms of time, it wasn’t very fast either:

  • it started working from the second week
  • but it got at the peak after about 2 months

Best For: Inflammation, chronic pain and all the other condition where turmeric helps.

  • Great form of curcumin extract used
  • Only one pill per day
  • One bottle lasts for 60 days
  • Works decently on the long term (it’s not very fast)
  • Pretty affordable, because the price is for a 2 months term
  • Only decreased my pain with 3 numbers, which isn’t exactly what I was hoping for
  • Pretty large pills, despite being softgels 
See My Full Review HERE


#6 – YouTheory Turmeric ($44.99)

My Youtheory Turmeric Review - Why It Didn't Impress MeYouTheory’s supplement is another product that I really liked – but it didn’t turn out the best choice.

It has a more classic formula than some of the previous ones:

  • a high dose of curcuminoides 
  • a lot of bioperine

However, it’s a bit too concentrated, in my opinion. A high dose of curcuminoides can cause side effects more often. 

But the reason why this supplement is on the 6th position is its effect:

  • I wasn’t too impressed at this chapter
  • It needed about 2 months to decrease my pain to about a 4
  • That wasn’t bad – but compared to the first 3 products, it wasn’t amazing either

Besides, it’s pretty pricey, even if one bottle is meant for 2 months.

So YouTheory’s supplement isn’t a bad one, but it’s not something I would strongly recommend either.

Ingredients: Turmeric Extract, Olive Leaf Extract, Bioperine

How It Works: 7 out of 10. Just like the previous 2 supplements, it decreased my pain decently, but slowly.

It started working after 2-3 weeks but I got the most of it before finishing the bottle, which is about 7-8 weeks later.

Best For: Inflammation and chronic pain caused by swelling.

  • High dose of curcuminoides (even though that’s not a great thing)
  • Also contains olive leaf extract, an ingredient I’ve never seen before
  • One bottle lasts for 60 days
  • Works pretty well, but it’s not very fast
  • 3 pills per day
  • No turmeric powder, so the final doses of substance inside the pills aren’t very high
  • Pretty expensive
See My Full Review HERE


#7 – Theracurmin ($19.92)

Even though it promises a lot of things, Theracurmin is a supplement that didn’t really impress me.

The only reason why I included it in this top is because of:

  • its features 
  • price

The label claims to be the #1 absorbed curcumin. I can’t tell if it is so, but there’s one thing I can’t tell – it’s far from being the #1 curcumin supplement I tried.

Its ingredient list doesn’t even look too well, if you ask me.

But more importantly, it didn’t help me tremendously:

  • Yes, it decreased some of my pain
  • But it didn’t do miracles, as the label said

However, for a supplement that claims to be so superior, it has a great price.

So Theracurmin isn’t a bad choice – but it’s not something I would personally recommend.

It works, but you can get something better for a pretty similar price. As a supplement, I can’t praise Theracurmin tremendously.

Ingredients: Theracurmin Curcumin Extract

How It Works: 6 out of 10. What I liked about it is that it worked pretty fast.

What I didn’t like is that its overall effect was lower than than the previous 6 supplements:

  • It started working after about one week
  • But the effect was the same even after 3 weeks later (maybe about a 5, not less)

Best For: Inflammation, but I wouldn’t recommend it to someone with a chronic pain. I’m not very sure if it’s strong enough to work on the long term

  • Uses a brand form of curcumin, Theracurmin
  • Only one pill per day
  • There are several versions depending on the size you want
  • Works pretty fast, compared to most supplements
  • Pretty cheap
  • Didn’t decrease my pain very well, even though it started working very fast
  • Pretty low doses, in my opinion


What A Good Supplement Should Have

There are some essential ingredients in any turmeric supplement – so I think you should consider that when choosing a certain one.

I noticed supplements with these ingredients work best for my body.

 Best 7 Turmeric Supplements I Tried For 2018– Turmeric Root (1000-1500 mg) – this is the turmeric powder, and it usually comes in the biggest quantity in any supplement:

  • It’s a great anti-inflammatory
  • It can decrease the swelling very fast – compared to other herbs

However, that depends of its source – because some sources are more pure than others (I will give you an example below). 

The best dose for my body is anywhere between 1000 and 1500 mg.

 – Curcuminoides (100-150 mg) – that’s actually the curcumin extract.

Curcumin is the extract of turmeric, so curcuminoides are actually the extract of an extract. For this reason – they are a much stronger anti-inflammatory than turmeric itself. 

You can also find them as “95% standardized extract” – so it’s basically the same thing.

I wouldn’t recommend a supplement that contains only curcuminoides (or a very high dose), because it’s very concentrated. So it increases the risk of side effects.

Anywhere between 100 and 150 mg is a perfect dose for me.

 – Bioperine (15 mg at most) – this is the extract of black pepper – which increases the absorption of turmeric and curcumin with up to 2000%.

These substances can’t get absorbed alone, so bioperine is an essential ingredient.

That’s why I never recommend supplements without bioperine (or another helper). Less than 50% of the substances get absorbed, so that’s not enough to decrease inflammation.

Conclusion: The combination that works best for me is TURMERIC ROOT + CURCUMINOIDES + BIOPERINE.


My Final Verdict – What’s The Best Turmeric Supplement?

Short answer: In my opinion, it’s Turmeric Plus. That’s the supplement I’m constantly using – because it has the best value for the money.

  • It works really great for me
  • That even though it doesn’t have any brand ingredient or sophisticated claims

So for me, it’s definitely the best supplement I can get, because I tried so many.

So if you’re looking for the best turmeric supplement – I advise you to get one with 3 ingredients:

  • curcuminoides
  • bioperine
  • turmeric powder

 That’s the best combination, if you ask me.

You can also get a supplement without bioperine – but only if its formula has an increased absorption. Supplements that do, always mention that, so take a close look on the label.

If you can’t find that anywhere, don’t let them trick you. Just skip that supplement and get one with bioperine instead.

So no matter which of these 7 supplements you choose, you’re not making a bad choice at all. But if you want to make the best one, choose wisely.

Heather Pharm.D.

Heather Tracy Foley is a Pharmacy graduate, Blogger and Author with a vast experience in health sciences. She has a particular interest in joint pain and rheumatology and spent several years studying health problems. You can find her on Pinterest or via email.

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10 Responses

  1. Olly Mendes says:

    Heather, thank you for this detailed list. I was looking for a turmeric supplement for my joint pain (I have fibromyalgia) and I was hoping to find something affordable. 

    I know Amazon is full of cheap supplements, but I’ve tried quite a few without too satisfying results.

    I’ve heard about Turmeric Plus from a friend, but I didn’t give it much attention. Once I saw it in your review, I remember it immediately. Now I’m seriously considering it, especially because it’s such a bargain.

    The other turmeric supplements from your list do look really well, but most are quite pricey for me. It’s great to hear your top recommendation is something affordable for average people, really appreciate that.

    I will buy Turmeric Plus in the future and tell you whether it helps. Thank you again for these 7 turmeric supplements recommendations.

  2. Heather says:

    Hi Olly, thanks for your kind words.

    I don’t afford spending a lot of supplements either. So I try to find products that work and are still affordable – and that’s what I recommend.

    In my opinion, that’s fair for both me and my readers.

    Now – I do advise you to try Turmeric Plus. As you said, it’s really cheap so you’re not losing anything trying it. I used it for joint pain (rheumatoid arthritis), but on paper – it should work for fibromyalgia as well.

    I’m curious – what other turmeric supplements you tried? You said some didn’t really help – which are those? 

    I will gladly wait for your feedback on Turmeric Plus. I’m curious to see if it decreases your joint pain or not.

  3. Barbara C Alaimo says:

    Will this also help for sciatica?

  4. Heather Pharm.D. says:

    Hi Barbara, absolutely. Sciatica pain is actually caused by inflammation – and turmeric helps any inflammatory pain. So I recommend these supplements for any pain involving swelling, whether it’s arthritis, joint pain or sciatica.

  5. Carol Bray says:

    Do you have any info about “Bio Schwartz”, and if so what about side effects from this brand. Thank you.

  6. Heather Pharm.D. says:

    Hi Carol, I have a review of BioSchwartz’s turmeric supplement here. It has a pretty good formula and a decent price, but it didn’t work too well in my case. That’s one of the reasons why it’s not higher on my recommendation list. But that’s only how it worked for me, the supplement looks pretty good itself.

    Regarding the side effects – I didn’t experience any. The regular adverse effects of turmeric are nausea, stomach cramps and sometimes diarrhea. But if you stick to the recommended dosages and take the pills after food (even if the label recommends something else), you should be fine. I hope this helps.

  7. Margaret says:

    I am taking Nageze joint pain in Australia. Can you check the ingredients for me. It has 2g drfy rhizome contains 45mg of std.curcuminoids and other ingredients. Thank you.

  8. Heather Pharm.D. says:

    Hello Margaret! It’s the first time I heard about Nageze, probably because it’s an Australian supplement. I just checked its ingredients and it looks okay. It’s not the kind of supplement I would recommend because 45 mg of curcuminoides isn’t a lot (I usually recommend products that contain between 50-150 mg). But its formula is surely not bad. I love the fact that it contains trademark ingredients (improved versions of the original substances). And in this case, Turmeric BetaSorb looks really good, because it has an increased absorption (so it doesn’t require any BioPerine or another absorption enhancer).

    So overall:

    1) Both of its active ingredients are trademarks
    2) No absorption booster required
    3) Only one pill per day

    1) Only 2 active ingredients
    2) Pretty low dose of turmeric/curcuminoides (I can’t tell about the other ingredient as it’s the first time I hear about it)

    But as a conclusion, Nageze is surely a decent supplement. I don’t know what exact joint problems you have, but if this product keeps your pain under control, I recommend sticking with it. I hope this helps!

  9. Christina says:

    Hi Heather! I have fibromyalgia and joint pain for more than 2 years, I am taking pain relievers and they were helping up to a point. But now I developed a beginning of ulcers and the specialist I visited said I had to stop the pain relieving medication immediately. Now I am afraid the pain will come back and I am trying to find an alternative, would you say turmeric would help in my problem?

  10. Heather Pharm.D. says:

    Hello Christina. Sorry to hear about your issues. NSAIDs and classic pain relievers cause ulcers and digestive problems as a side effect very often, that’s why I don’t recommend them in inflammatory problems. They surely help and they’re safe if combined with protection, but in many cases, side effects still appear. Now, regarding your question, turmeric is actually my top recommendation for you. Turmeric is the best herb against inflammation, so it will surely help in your case. It’s only that you need to choose a product carefully and not go for a random one just because it costs less.

    My advice would be to go for a product that contains 1000-1500 mg turmeric powder, 100-150 mg curcuminoides (turmeric extract) and about 10 mg bioperine. This last ingredient is essential if you want a product with a proper absorption (many supplements don’t contain any absorption booster like bioperine). Anyway, the products from the top of my list are surely the best ones you can get, so I strongly recommend you to go for one of them.

    I would love to hear any feedback about how they work and in case you have any other questions, just let me know. Hope this helps!

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