My Joint Juice Review – Is It Worth All That Money?

My Joint Juice Review - Is It Worth All That Money?

It’s time for my Joint Juice review, a glucosamine product that is totally different from the rest. If you’re a person that hates taking pills, this product could seem like a salvation. It’s liquid, tasty and really easy to drink.

However, that’s the only thing I liked about it. Other than that, it doesn’t have any impressive ingredients and it’s pretty expensive, compared to regular supplements.

So is this Joint Juice worth the money? Can it relieve joint pain better than supplements? Or it’s just this hype around it? I tested out this product so that I can make a real opinion about it.

Note: This review is based on my experience with this product, so it won’t necessarily agree with other reviews you find. I am not trying to praise/criticize the product or its company, I am simply telling how it worked for me.


So Let’s Get To The Review

Full Name: Glucosamine and Chondroitin Supplement from Joint Juice

My Joint Juice Review - Is It Worth All That Money?

Quantity : 3o 8-ounces bottles

Best Actual Price: $59.99

Where I Bought It From: Ebay

Designed For: Cartilage problems and osteoarthritis. That’s what glucosamine and chondroitin work best for. So this is the right product for someone with damaged and painful joints, mobility problems or osteoarthritis. 

My Rating: 6 out of 10 – That’s just because it’s a liquid supplement and it’s really easy to take. Otherwise I would have rated it lower

Worth Buying?: Not really. It has some pretty weak ingredients and it costs way too much overall. For me it wasn’t effective almost at all, so I couldn’t praise it too much.

I love the fact that it’s liquid, this is a major advantage. But other than that, it doesn’t have anything special, in my opinion. And that’s not a reason for its absolutely huge price, if you ask me.


What I Liked About It

  • Really easy to take, especially for people who can’t swallow large pills
  • It decreased my knee pain (but most supplements I tried also decreased it)


What I Didn’t Like About It

  • Only 2 of the ingredients are basically good for joint pain (glucosamine + chondroitin)
  • It uses the weaker form of glucosamine, the hydorchloride
  • You have to drink one bottle per day, which was really hard for me (I also hated the taste)
  • It didn’t improve my knee flexibility and stiffness at all
  • Really expensive





The Ingredients – Pretty Basic

My Joint Juice Review - Is It Worth All That Money?Just like I do with every supplement, I first checked out Joint Juice’s ingredients. And to be honest, I was pretty much disappointed. 

Out of the ingredients it contains, there are basically 2 that are can treat the joints. And even those 2 have their own problems. So let’s take them by turn:

 – Glucosamine HCl (1500 mg) – glucosamine is a great substance for damaged joints, because it rebuilds cartilages and protects them from further damage. The dose is also very good, but there’s one problem. The form from this product isn’t the best one.

Joint Juice uses glucosamine HCl, which doesn’t have great results in clinical trials. It’s simply cheaper than the good form of glucosamine, the sulfate. This one has a lot of studies behind, and it’s basically the sulfur that rebuilds cartilages. That’s why the HCl form isn’t very useful. So I personally don’t recommend products with glucosamine HCl. 

 – Chondroitin Sulfate (200 mg) – this is an ingredient I really like, because it’s truly valuable. Chondroitin does the same things as glucosamine, but it’s not that strong. However, when it’s used with glucosamine, it increases its effect.

That’s why I prefer products that have both glucosamine and chondroitin. The dose of chondroitin from Joint Juice is also really good.

There are also Vitamin C and D, Potassium and Sodium, but in my opinion, none of them is very important for the joints. Vitamin D is essential for the bones, but I haven’t found anything about it having anything to do with the joints. So it’s basically just glucosamine and chondroitin.

Conclusion: The ingredients are pretty disappointing, in my opinion. Chondroitin is the only thing I really like this this product. The dose of glucosamine is pretty good, but the HCl form isn’t. So they’re not the kind of ingredients I would recommend.



Why I Tried This Product

Before I tell you how Joint Juice worked for me, let me give you a few details about my background.

I had rheumatoid arthritis for several years and I developed a secondary problem in my knees. The cartilage I had was starting to wear off, so I had more and more trouble moving around. My pain wasn’t very bad, my I lost a big part of flexibility.

I had a hard time moving around, standing or anything that involved moving. Obviously, I could do these things, but not as I could before. I could stand, but not for a long time. Bending or exercising was out of the question.

So I was hoping Joint Juice would help me with this knee osteoarthritis. As I said, pain wasn’t my #1 problem, it was my mobility. Most supplements would decrease my pain, but very few of them could improve my knees’ flexibility.

Because that’s what I really wanted from a glucosamine product. So I was curious if Joint Juice could help with that.



How It Worked For Me

I bought a 30-bottles pack, which was meant to last for one month. That meant I had to drink one bottle everyday. That didn’t sound too bad at first, but I ended up hating it.

My Joint Juice Review - Is It Worth All That Money?

I didn’t really like the taste of the drink, and I had to drink an 8-ounces bottle everyday. That isn’t very little. Believe me, that was a torture for me. I’m not saying the taste is bad, I just didn’t like it at all. 

First 2 Weeks: I didn’t feel any change in the first week, though I was struggling to drink the whole bottle everyday. But even so, the results didn’t appear. Luckily, I had bought the 30 days pack, so I couldn’t give it up so fast.

In the first weeks, my knee pain started to get a bit better. It was never that bad (as my RA pain was), but I could still notice an improvement. However, my knees weren’t any better in terms of flexibility. They were still very stiff, harsh and really had to move.

One Month: Things weren’t very different when I finished the treatment. My pain was better than it used to be, but the shape of my knees wasn’t. I can’t say I noticed a big improvement in the way I moved. I still had trouble with stiffness whenever I sat down for a long time. And I still could walk or stand for a long period, even if I tried. 

So I can’t say Joint Juice helped me a lot. It decreased my pain but it didn’t improve my knees’ lubrication or flexibility. And that what I actually bought it for, not necessarily for the pain. 

My Conclusion: It works for the pain, but it doesn’t improve or rebuild cartilages. So it’s not something I would recommend for osteoarthritis.




PRO #1 – More Comfortable

By far, the biggest advantage of Joint Juice is the fact that it’s liquid. At least that’s how I see things. Compared to regular supplements, it’s a lot easier to take (especially if you like its taste, which I don’t).

I know a lot of people who can’t swallow large pills, because they get really nauseous. I’m not talking about really huge horse pills, I’m talking about regular glucosamine pills. They tend to be a bit larger than others, that’s why there are a lot of persons who can’t swallow them.

So if you belong to that category, this Joint Juice could be a lot more comfortable. I’m not a fan of it, but if you really can’t swallow regular pills, it could be a solution. If you like its taste, you shouldn’t have any trouble drinking one bottle per day.

As I said, I didn’t really like the flavor, but that’s just my personal preference. When it comes to comfort, Joint Juice is really easy to take, I can’t criticize that.



CON #1 – Glucosamine HCl

As I said before, Joint Juice’s ingredients really disappointed me. And that’s not because it only contains 2 main substances. It’s because one of them comes in the weakest form – I’m talking about glucosamine, which exists as glucosamine HCl.

There are basically 2 forms of glucosamine the supplements use: sulfate and hydrochloride.

 – The sulfate has lots of positive studies behind, and it’s the one that rebuilds and protects cartilages. It’s actually the sulfur inside that does that.

 – On the other hand, the hydrochloride form is a lot more pure, but it doesn’t have any real benefits for joints or cartilages. At least that’s the conclusion that studies reached. However, it’s a lot cheaper than the sulfate form, so that could be why a lot of brands use it. 

Unfortunately, most buyers have no idea about this difference and they don’t look at what form of glucosamine they’re buying. That’s something essential, in my opinion. 

For this reason, I always recommend supplements with glucosamine sulfate. The HCl ones also work, but far worse than the sulfate ones. At least that’s in my case. 

Joint Juice contains 1500 mg of glucosamine HCl. The dose itself is really good, but the fact that there’s glucosamine HCl and not sulfate cancels this advantage. That’s how I see things. So you can draw the conclusions yourself, but this is one major reason why I don’t recommend this supplement. 



CON #2 – A Lot To Drink

Maybe you won’t agree with me at this chapter, but for me this is a real downside of this supplement.

The dose you have to take is one bottle per day. It doesn’t sound a lot at first, but when you have to drink it for real, it is a lot. At least that’s how it seemed to me. 

As I mentioned before, I really hated the taste of this drink. I was never a fan of red flavors, but this one seemed worse than anything. It was okay in the first days, but in the second week I was literally struggling to drink the whole bottle. 

So the point is that drinking 8 ounces of this liquid daily isn’t such an easy thing. Compared to supplements, I think it’s actually harder. You only have to swallow the supplement, you rarely feel its bad taste or anything. This takes a second. 

On the other hand, it took me much longer to finish a bottle everyday. I would feel every single drop from this liquid, which I really hated. 8 ounces is a lot actually, so drinking this quantity every day was no easy job.

That’s another reason why I didn’t like this product – for me it was a real nightmare taking it. So if you plan to try it, I really hope you won’t agree with me at this chapter.



CON #3 – Expensive

Joint Juice may be a comfortable product, but it’s also extremely expensive. I couldn’t find a monthly supply for less than $60, which is huge. 

I know that they use a different formula and they had to do a lot of work to create this liquid supplement. But even so, $2 per bottle seems a lot to me. I’m only talking as a customer. I couldn’t afford to pay $60 every month, to be honest. 

Let’s say I like the taste of this drink. Let’s say I had no trouble taking it every day. Well, $60 per month would still seem a lot to me, and I wouldn’t be willing to pay this price.

I’m no trying to criticize the company or anything, but for me, this price is way too much. Besides, this drink didn’t even help me so much, that why I think it’s way too overpriced for what it does. You may not agree with me, but that’s how I see things.

Why should I pay $60 per month when I can get much cheaper products that work way better? That’s my personal opinion.



My Final Verdict – Is It Worth Buying?

Short answer: No. It’s a cool product and it’s really easy to take for people who hate pills. But it didn’t help me too much and it cost me a lot of money. That’s why I don’t think it’s worth the price.

Besides, it doesn’t contain anything impressive, on the contrary. The glucosamine it uses is pretty weak, which is something I really don’t like. I personally didn’t like its taste at all, so I had to struggle drinking it (a lot more than I would with a supplement).

Would I buy it again?: Definitely not. For me it was a waste of money, to be honest. I kind of regret buying the 30 days supply, because it was really pricey. 

So I wouldn’t recommend it, unless you can’t swallow pills in any form. But even so, I’m not very sure it’s worth buying, because it doesn’t have the best ingredients ever. However, this is my opinion so it’s up to you what you decide on.

What I recommend instead is a supplement with glucosamine sulfate and other cartilage helpers. That’s the product I trust, so if you want something for OA on the long term, that’s my advice.

Heather Pharm.D.

Heather Tracy Foley is a Pharmacy graduate, Blogger and Author with a vast experience in health sciences. She has a particular interest in joint pain and rheumatology and spent several years studying health problems. You can find her on Pinterest or via email.

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