My Flexitrinol Review (2019) – Scam Or Not?

It’s time for my Flexitrinol review – a supplement designed for joint pain and flexibility.

But could it be a scam?

In my opinion, it’s very expensive for the quantity – so it’s possible.

Well – I analyzed every aspect about it, so here’s all you need to know.

Note: This review is based on my opinion + research on Flexitrinol.


So Let’s Get To The Review

Full Name: Joint Support from Flexitrinol

Versions: There’s only 1 – 15 days supply

Best Actual Price: Around $40 per bottle

Where To Buy It From: The official website is the best choice.

Designed For: Joint support – according to the label. It claims to have several benefits:

My Rating: 6 out of 10 – It looks good, but it’s way too pricey.

Worth Buying?: Definitely not – it’s too expensive:

  1. One bottle is only enough for 15 days.
  2. You have to pay $80 for 1 month supply.
  3. The formula isn’t amazing.

So even though it seems a good product – it’s extremely overpriced.

Unless you have too much money, I wouldn’t recommend it.


What I Liked About It

  • Decent ingredients overall
  • Contains both cartilage re-builders and anti-inflammatory
  • Only 2 pills per day
  • Pills are pretty easy to swallow
  • No complaints about side effects


What I Didn’t Like About It

  • Low dosages for most ingredients
  • Very expensive ($40 per bottle)
  • One bottle only lasts 15 days
  • Only positive reviews on the official website (probably biased)
  • Very few reviews in other sellers
  • Out of the ones I found, most were negative




What Is Flexitrinol? A Quick Overview

Shortly – it’s a supplement designed to improve the joints overall.

So how exactly does it work? Here’s what it claims:

  1. Increases joint mobility.
  2. Relieves discomfort.
  3. Improves joint flexibility.
  4. Rebuilds and repairs the joints.

Now – judging after its formula, it could do all that.

However, there’s another problem behind.

Flexitrinol seems to be extremely expensive, at $40 per bottle. Plus – that’s only half a month supply.

If you want to get the dose for 1 month, it will cost you $80 (which is exaggerated, to be honest).

So now that you know what to expect from Flexitrinol – it’s time to analyze it more closely.


#1 – Ingredients (8 out of 10)

I’m not the biggest fan of Flexitrinol’s formula.

However – it has both good and bad points:

  • contains classic ingredients 
  • dosages are pretty low

Surprisingly – it’s not the same formula as in every joint supplement, which is a positive thing.

Now – I would divide Flexitrinol’s ingredients in 2 classes:

  1. Cartilage Re-Builders
  2. Omega Fatty Acids

So let’s take a quick look at each.

1. Cartilage Re-Builders

These substances are designed to repair damaged joints + cartilages.

There are 2 ingredients in this group:

  1. Glucosamine – it’s the best substance for OA and damaged cartilages. [1]
  2. JointFlex Proprietary Blend – contains chondroitin + MSM.

Now – glucosamine’s dosage is quite low, if you ask me (500 mg). Most supplements contain over 1000 mg.

Besides, it uses the HCl form – which isn’t the best choice, in my opinion.

Regarding JointFlex Proprietary Blend – it actually contains 2 regular ingredients.

So it’s not very special, actually.

2. Omega Fatty Acids

That’s what makes Flexitrinol different (than other joint products). 

It contains 3 types of fatty acids:

  1. Omega 3 (biggest percent) [2]
  2. Omega 6 [3]
  3. Oleic Acid and Omega 9 (a low quantity)

All these substance have 1 major benefit – fight inflammation.

So they’re helpful for inflammatory pain or arthritis (like RA or PsA).


Flexitrinol’s formula is a bit different from other products.

However – it’s not so amazing:

  • pretty low dosages
  • ingredients aren’t very powerful

But overall, I think it’s good enough for some forms of arthritis (especially mild ones).


#2 – How To Take It (8 out of 10)

Up next, I will try to give you more details about:

  • how the pills look like
  • the schedule you should follow

1. The Pills

First of all – I haven’t tried Flexitrinol myself.

So I can’t give you any clear info or pictures about the pills.

However – I read several authentic reviews, so here’s what I could find:

  • pills have average dimensions
  • they look rather like softgels
  • you can swallow them easily with enough water

Basically – there’s no major thing to complain about these pills.

2. The Schedule

According to the label – here’s how you should take Flexitrinol:

  • the recommended dose is 2 pills per day
  • you can take them either together or separately

However, there’s another problem I found.

There are 30 pills per bottle and you need to take 2 per day.

This means that 1 bottle is only enough for 15 days, which is half a month.

And that is definitely very little (but I will tell you more on this later on).

Other than that – Flexitrinol is quite easy to take, with 2 pills per day.


#3 – Results (7 out of 10)

Firstly – I haven’t tried Flexitrinol myself, so I can’t speak from experience.

However, I tried to look at as many authentic reviews I could find.

So I will count on them at this chapter.

Note: I only included authentic reviews, not general ones.

1. Where I Found The Reviews

First of all – most reviews on Flexitrinol were on its official website.

I tend to ignore this kind of reviews, because they tend to be biased:

  • all are praising the products
  • there are very few complaints

So I usually take a look on Amazon, which I know to have authentic reviews.

Now – the bad news is that I could only find a few there.

It’s hard to draw any conclusions from 10 reviews, but I will try to do it.

2. What People Say

Surprisingly, I found more negative reviews than positive.

Now – it’s true that I only included about 10 reviews, but even so…

Here’s what people mention about Flexitrinol:

  1. Some say it works well enough.
  2. Other claims it doesn’t have any effect.
  3. Many criticize the very high price.
  4. Others complain about the biased reviews from the official website.

So basically – as I said, most reviews from Amazon were negative.

That’s what makes me think that Flexitrinol isn’t as good as it claims.

So that’s probably why you can only find 5-star reviews on its website – it doesn’t allow complaining opinions.


Based on the reviews I found about it, I wouldn’t recommend Flexitrinol:

  • many people complaining about it
  • some say it’s even a scam
  • it doesn’t seem to have positive results

For these money, I would surely choose a product with a stronger formula instead.



#4 – Price (1 out of 10)

In my opinion, that’s the worst part about Flexitrinol.

This product is extremely expensive for what it does – but also for the quantity.

1. The Exact Price

The cheapest price for Flexitrinol is on the official website.

In fact – that’s the only place where you can buy a bottle alone (besides Ebay).

So here’s what you should know:

  1. Normally – it costs about $80 per bottle.
  2. There’s a “limited time offer” (1 hour) with $40 per bottle.
  3. However, that “limited offer” isn’t actually limited.
  4. It starts again every time you reload the website.

So basically – that $40 discount is a scam. The product costs $40 all the time (not $80 as they claim).

It’s only meant to make you buy – by telling you the offer is only available 1 hour.

So that’s the first warning sign about Flexitrinol.

2. The Quantity

That’s what the #1 problem is.

Now – Flexitrinol is quite expensive at $40 per bottle. I personally wouldn’t pay so much on it.

But it’s even worse:

  • $40 is the price per bottle
  • there are 30 pills in one bottle
  • you need to take 2 per day

What does this mean? That 1 bottle is only enough for 15 days.

You’re basically paying $40 for half a month – which is clearly extremely overpriced. 

So you end up paying $80 if you want a monthly supply. That makes it one of the priciest joint products I know.


Flexintrinol is extremely expensive for what it does:

  • costs $40 for 15 days
  • its formula doesn’t contain something amazing
  • there a “limited time” discount which is actually permanent

So in terms of price, it seems like a rip-off to me. That’s why I rated it as low as I could.

I would surely not spend $80 per month on Flexitrinol when there are much cheaper options.


#5 – Where To Find It (8 out of 10)

Unfortunately, you can only buy it on the official website.

In fact – that’s the best place to buy Flexatrinol, because it has the widest range of options.

What do I mean? Let’s take Amazon:

  1. You can find Flexatrinol there.
  2. But they only sell a 3 bottles pack.
  3. That costs about $160.
  4. So if you make the calculations, that’s $40 more (than on the official website).

You can also find Flexatrinol on Ebay.

However, the seller recommend choosing the official website for the authentic product.

So that makes me think it doesn’t have the real product.

Therefore – if you really want to get Flexatrinol, its official website is the best choice. But I personally would think twice before buying it.


#6 – FAQs

Coming up, I will try to answer the top questions about Flexitrinol.

Note: I might repeat something I already mentioned, but it’s easier to spot here.

1. How many pills per day?

The label recommends taking 2.

You can either take them both together or space them out throughout the day.

2. How long lasts 1 bottle?

That’s an essential thing you need to keep in mind – a bottle is 15 days supply.

So it’s going to last only half a month (which is a major downside).

3. Can I take it with other drugs?

Normally, you can. But I still recommend asking your doctor first.

There might be a risk of interactions – especially if you’re taking more drugs on the long term.

So consulting your specialist would be the safest choice.

4. Are there any side effects?

Among the 10 reviews I read, I couldn’t find anything about that.

Besides – the label also doesn’t mention anything about a possible side effect. 

So I think Flexitrinol is quite safe, actually.

At most – you could experience some stomach problems, cramps or diarrhea.

5. How fast should I notice an effect?

It’s hard to say with supplements.

But I would give it 1 month – the period I give to most supplements.

It’s true that some work better after 2-3 months, but you should see a small improvement after 1 month.


#7 – Flexitrinol VS Others

I will only compare Flexitrinol with my #1 recommended product for joint pain (ProJoint Plus).

So here’s how Flexitrinol (F) and ProJoint Plus (P) are different:

  1. They contain about the same number of ingredients.
  2. P has higher dosages in most substances.
  3. P is my #1 recommendation for osteoarthritis.
  4. F has a formula for both osteoarthritis and inflammatory pain.
  5. They both have few authentic reviews on Amazon.
  6. F costs about $40, P costs less than $30.
  7. P offers a discount for buying more bottles, F doesn’t. 
  8. F only ships to 6 countries, P ships to 25.
  9. You can get P for about $19/bottle, F has the same price.

So ProJoint Plus remains my top recommendation among glucosamine supplements.

And that’s mostly because of its price. It’s cheaper than many products (including Flexitrinol).

Besides – in my case, its effect is one of the best.

That’s why it’s my #1 choice.


#8 – Final Conclusions

Here’s how I would sum up my opinion about Flexitrinol (in 3 ideas).

1. Decent Formula

As I said, Flexitrinol’s formula isn’t amazing. 

But it’s surely not bad either:

  • contains quality ingredients
  • has both cartilage re-builders and anti-inflammatory
  • little dosages overall

So the biggest problem is the quantity of most ingredients. Other than that, it doesn’t look like a very weak formula.

2. Many Negative Reviews

I couldn’t find lots of authentic reviews on Flexitrinol.

But from those I read – most were negative:

  • many complaints about the price
  • people said the pills didn’t work

Obviously – the official website had only positive reviews, which is a warning sign.

But the reviews from Amazon were mostly negative (so that’s what I trust).

3. So Expensive

In fact, it’s one of the priciest joint supplements I know:

  • costs $40 per bottle
  • that’s only enough for 15 days
  • you need 2 bottles per month
  • that means $80 in total

So unless you have too much money to spare – I wouldn’t recommend Flexitrinol.

There are much cheaper solutions that work way better. 



My Verdict – Is Flexitrinol Worth Buying?

Short answer: Definitely not – it’s extremely overpriced:

  1. Costs $40 for 15 days.
  2. You need to pay $80 for a monthly supply.
  3. Its formula doesn’t contain anything special.
  4. Many negative reviews and complaints.
  5. Not a good deal overall.

So even though it looks like a decent supplement, Flexitrinol costs a lot of money.

Unless you afford paying over $100 (you will probably need 2-3 months supply), I can’t possibly recommend it.

It’s simply not worth all those money.

Instead – there are many supplements with better formulas and a much lower price.

So instead of spending a little fortune on Flexitrinol, I would surely recommend something cheaper.


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Heather Pharm.D.

Heather Tracy Foley is a Pharmacy graduate, Blogger and Author with a vast experience in health sciences. She has a particular interest in joint pain and rheumatology and spent several years studying health problems. You can find her on Pinterest or via email.

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6 Responses

  1. Fady says:

    Wow, this thing costs so much! Thanks for your in-depth review, I saw an ad on Flexitrinol but there was no price. I was thinking it’s more than most products since it’s advertised. But I would have never thought it’s $80 per monthly supply. 

    I think they have a good strategy showing the price for half a month supply. It’s even written in small print to make it less noticeable. Thanks for the honest review, definitely would not buy this thing!

  2. Heather Pharm.D. says:

    Hi Fady, I really appreciate your opinion. I definitely agree with you, the practices they use aren’t very fair. I even read some reviews of people complaining they bought the product without knowing it’s just 15 days supply. When they found out they were really mad but still had to order another one just to finish the investment. Very few joint supplements work in 15 days – and even if some do, they only work so fast in certain people.

    As for Flexitrinol, it’s surely not worth buying. So you did a smart thing checking it out before making the actual purchase.

  3. Lisa A says:

    Its a bit rich reviewing something you haven’t tried I think. We are in New Zealand and ordered some for a dog with arthritis/ She’s a beautiful loving well trained pit bull. We had tried alot of different things and she had monthly shots of something-or-other from the vets which used to help but then wasn’t making any difference. We give her half a human dose of Flexitrinol she has been on it 6 weeks and after 4 we noticed she is in considerably less pain, is so much happier and so are we and everyone that knows her. Money is no object when it comes to pain and quality of life we would happily pay three times the cost of getting it here for her because of the remarkable positive effect it has had. I came across this as I was looking to order more. At least try it before you knock it I believe you are denying people of a better life and we only get one.
    FLEXITRINOL 10/10 from someone that has actually tried it. ps 1 cap/day + 1/2 cap 1000mg tuneric for an adult dog. Try it for a month it worked for us. What price do YOU put on a happier life.

  4. Heather Pharm.D. says:

    Hello Lisa. I certainly don’t believe Flexitrinol to be a scam and I didn’t state that. But I simply try to offer an honest opinion about it. Considering how much it costs compared to other supplements on the market, I surely don’t recommend it.

    Believe me, the price of a supplement is essential for lots of people. Otherwise I wouldn’t receive so many questions and messages from people looking for cheap alternatives. Their positive feedback is the best proof that a cheap product sometimes works as well as an expensive one (which is usually overpriced).

    Regarding Flexitrinol, it’s true that I never tried it – but I don’t even plan to, honestly. Paying $80 for a 15 days supply seems like a bad joke to me. Maybe you don’t care about those money, but I couldn’t afford paying so much. Especially when there are so many options costing under $40. And there are lots of people that agree with me.

    So what you buy is your own choice, because I’m not trying to convince you of anything. I simply tried to offer a cheaper alternative that worked really well for me (and for many other people). Whether you like it or not, it’s your own problem.

  5. Lisa A says:

    Hi Heather, Thank you for posting my comment above and your response to it. I still go back to my first line however. You mainly focus on the price of Flexitrinol. Every time I have bought it I am charged $40 per bottle for 5 bottles. You are saying it.s double that which if you had actually tried it you would know too. so I still think that people should “believe those that speak from experience” (in all things not just joint pain). But at least you did say you’ve never used it. Thanks again anyway.

  6. Heather Pharm.D. says:

    Lisa, I totally agree that people who speak from experience are the ones that should be trusted. The supplements I recommend on my website are actually the ones I tried (some have my own pictures). However, I couldn’t try every single product. As for Flexitrinol, it seems to offer a discount when buying more bottles together. That’s pretty common in many supplements. But I don’t see $40 per bottle a good price. Just like Flexitrinol offers a discount for more bottles, so do other products. So you can find some under $20 per bottle (when buying a larger pack). That means a good price for me, not $40 per bottle, sorry.

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