My Review: Cetyl M Joint Action Formula For Dogs

My Review: Cetyl M Joint Action Formula For Dogs

It’s time to review Cetyl M Joint Action Formula For Dogs, a supplements that seems really popular. And that’s probably because of its ingredients, which I’ve never seen in this combination before.

But there’s one thing I didn’t like about this product from the beginning – its price. It may be effective, but I think it’s quite expensive. Besides, I have discovered some other things about it, so it’s not as perfect as it seems.

Note: This review is only based on my opinion about this product. I am not trying to criticize it or its company, am I simply analyzing the good and the bad points about it. 


So Let’s Get To The Review

My Review: Cetyl M Joint Action Formula For DogsFull Name: Cetyl M Joint Action Formula for Dogs from Response

Quantity : 120 chewable tablets

Best Actual Price: $37.97

Best Place To Buy It: Ebay, because you can find lower prices than on Amazon

Designed For: Pretty much any dog that has arthritis or joint pain. There’s only one version for every type of dogs, but the number of pills they have to take depends of their weight

My Rating:  6.50 out of 10

Worth Buying?: Only if you have a large budget. It does treat the pain, but it requires a large number of pills, so one bottle lasts for a shorter time, compared to other products. Obviously, it depends on your dog’s weight, but even very small dogs need 2 pills at first. So in my opinion, it’s extremely expensive for what it does


What I Liked About It

  • Contains some ingredients I’ve never seen before: Cetyl myristoleate and garlic root
  • The tablets are really easy to chew and they have a meat flavour
  • It’s really effective on the long term, but you need to wait for a few weeks to see it work
  • There are lots of positive reviews about it


What I Didn’t Like About It

  • Your dog has to take a lot of pills per day
  • One bottle lasts much shorter than other supplements, depending on your dog’s weight
  • The ingredients aren’t amazing, though I can’t say they look bad either
  • I wish there was some chondroitin as well
  • There’s only one version of this supplement, so you have to adapt the number of pills depending on your dog’s weight




PRO #1 – Easy To Chew

That might seem like a must for every dog supplement, but Cetyl M’s label doesn’t mention anything about “chewable tablets”. So I first thought they were regular tablets, which was a big downside.

Dogs can’t swallow pills as easily as humans, so it would be pretty hard for them to take the tablets. 

However, I noticed these tablets are actually very easy to chew, just like most dog supplements. They also have a special liver and beef flavor, which makes them a lot more tasty. So don’t worry that your dog won’t eat them, because that won’t be the case. 

The only downside I can find is that they are a bit large, but I don’t think this would be a problem. As they are chewable, your dog won’t have to swallow them whole, only eat them. 


PRO #2 – Works For Real

As I’ve tried lots of joint supplements for humans, I think I can pretty much tell if a product could be effective or not. Obviously, I can’t 100% guarantee, but the ingredients are usually enough to get an idea.

So even though I’m not a fan of Cetyl M’s ingredients, I can’t say they’re bad either. In fact, on the long term, this combination should be more or less useful.

That’s why I couldn’t say anything bad about this supplement, at least when it comes to effectiveness.  All those positive reviews can’t lie about it. It needs a while to work, but it continues to do its job even on the long term. 

So a high percent of people who bought Cetyl M had a lot of praises about it. Their dogs started moving much better after several weeks with these pills. Besides, no one complained that the tablets were too hard to eat. So from this point of view, there’s no problem.

Overall, this supplement is pretty effective. Obviously, it won’t help every dog, but it should help about 80%. From this point of view, I can’t criticize it. But there are other things I don’t like about it, and they’re not related to how it works.


CON #1 – Not Amazing Ingredients

My Review: Cetyl M Joint Action Formula For DogsWhat I really appreciate about this supplement is that it uses a unique combination of ingredients. In fact, the Cetyl Myristoleate is probably the most original substance, as I haven’t seen it before in any supplement, not even in human ones. 

But overall, the ingredients didn’t impress me too much. So let’s take them by turn: 

– Cetyl Myristoleate (250 mg) – this is the main ingredient of this supplement and it lubricates the joints and works as an anti-inflammatory. However, there were pretty few studies conducted on it so far, so its benefits are not very certain. I personally believe it’s effective for joint pain, but I doubt it’s as good as glucosamine and chondroitin

Glucosamine HCl (250 mg) – this is probably the best ingredient for joint problems, because it rebuilds cartilages and improves joint flexibility. This dose is a bit too low, in my opinion, but considering you’re giving your dog at least 2 pills per day, it’s probably enough

– Garlic Root (15 mg) – it’s probably the first time I see garlic in a joint pain supplement, and it’s a good thing. This herb is a decent anti-inflammatory and it helps in infections

Bromelain (10 mg) – this enzyme is a great substance for inflammation, but this dose is pretty small, so I’m not sure how effective it could be 

– Ginger Root Extract (75 mg) – this herb is a great anti-inflammatory and the dose is pretty good for dogs

So overall, the ingredients are not amazing, but they’re not terrible either. But I can’t consider them as an advantage of this supplement, because compared to others, they’re not that impressive. Besides, I’m not sure about the benefits of Cetyl Myristoleate and as this product is based on it, I don’t consider its ingredients amazing.


CON #2 – No Chondroitin

That’s probably my biggest regret about Cetyl M’s product.

When it comes to human supplements, I always recommend the ones that have both glucosamine and chondroitin. From what I noticed, these 2 substances work better together, at least in my case. That’s why I prefer the products that have them both.

And I think this is even more important in dog supplements, because they usually don’t contain that many ingredients.

So I really wished Cetyl M also contained some mg of chondroitin, besides the other substances. Chondroitin usually increases the power of glucosamine, that’s why they work much better together. So in my opinion, even a small quantity of chondroitin would have made the ingredient list look much better. That’s what I think.


CON #3 – A Lot Of Pills To Take

My Review: Cetyl M Joint Action Formula For DogsIf you ever bought a dog supplement before, you probably know that they’re different from the ones for humans. And I’m only talking about one thing – the number of pills per day.

Most joint supplements for humans require you to take about 2-3 pills per day. There are some that require more (even 6), but that is too much, in my opinion. So you can tell from the start how long they’re going to let.

But in dog supplements, it’s different. There is usually an initial dose (for 4-6 weeks in most cases), which is double. So in this period, you will double the initial dose. If the regular dose is 2 pills, in the first weeks you will give your dog 4 pills instead. Only after that period, you can give him the regular dose of 2 pills. 

However, that’s not a downside of Cetyl M, because most dog supplements work like this. 

What I don’t like is that they require a lot of pills, even for smaller dogs. For example, if you dog has between 26-50 lbs, you have to give him 4 pills per day in the first weeks. That is a lot for a dog that isn’t very large. 

It’s true that the pills aren’t hard to eat (at all), but the bottle is going to run out very soon. Anyway, I will tell you more about this below.


CON #4 – Very Expensive

In my opinion, this is the biggest problem of this supplement. If it wasn’t for the price, I might have even recommended it as a joint pain remedy.

So why do I see it as expensive? After all, you’re paying $38 for 120 tablets, which isn’t a very small quantity. Well, let me explain you.

This supplement is different from the rest because it requires a higher number of pills. For example, if your dog has a medium weight (between 51-75 lbs), he would have to take 6 tablets per day in the first 6 weeks. That is a lot, but he won’t have any trouble eating them because they are easy to chew. So that’s not the issue.

The main problem is that, in this case, one bottle would only last for 20 days. For $38, that is a really short period. In this time, you can’t even see if this supplement works for your dog. It may work, but if you only buy a bottle you may think that it’s not effective, just because it needed more time. 

So this is the biggest downside of this supplement. Considering how many pills you have to give your dog daily, one bottle will run out really fast. So at this price, it’s really expensive. That’s what I think.




My Final Verdict – Is It Worth Buying?

Short answer: Cetyl M is definitely not a bad product at all, because it really works if you have some patience. However, I don’t recommend it because it’s too expensive for the time it lasts. So I think you can have a similar product for a better price and for a longer time.

Besides, I wasn’t very impressed by its ingredients, as I have seen much better lists. But that’s not the biggest problem, because the product is effective overall. It’s not the best one, but it does work.

So if you decide to buy Cetyl M, you’re not doing a bad choice at all. If your budget affords it, you should really go for it.

Only make sure to buy at least 2 bottles if your dog has a medium size, because one bottle will last less than a month.

But if you can’t afford it, I recommend you a product that is the best at reducing dog joint pain. At least that’s how I see things. It’s a bit cheaper, it has great ingredients but it also lasts for a longer time. So that’s what I personally recommend you, but you can decide on any supplement you want. After all, the choice is yours. 


Heather Pharm.D.

Heather Tracy Foley is a Pharmacy graduate, Blogger and Author with a vast experience in health sciences. She has a particular interest in joint pain and rheumatology and spent several years studying health problems. You can find her on Pinterest or via email.

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