My Flexcin Supplement Review – Is It Really Worth It?
It’s time for my Flexcin Supplement review – because it’s a product that didn’t disappoint me.
Thing is:
- most reviews I read were negative
- it’s not very popular overall
However, after trying it out – I kind of changed my opinion. This supplement is pretty good actually, but I’m only speaking in terms of how it works.
From other points of view (price + ingredients), I wasn’t too impressed.
So let me give you more details about Flexcin and how it worked for me.
Note: This review is based on my experience with this supplement. I’m not trying to praise/criticize it or its company, I am simply telling my opinion about it.
So Let’s Get To The Review
Full Name: Joint Support Formula from Flexcin
Forms: There are 3 – one cream and 2 supplements:
- load-up formula (for starters)
- maintenance formula (for long term effect)
Best Actual Price: $49.95 per bottle for the load-up formula.
Best Place To Buy It: Ebay (that’s where I bought it from), but you can also get it on Amazon or
Designed For: According to the label, joint pain caused by:
- inflammation
- joint tear
- cartilage damage
But judging after the ingredients, I think it works better for the last 2.
It doesn’t contain any major anti-inflammatory (except MSM and CM8). But most of its ingredient are good for cartilage problems.
So I recommend it more for osteoarthritis and similar problems.
My Rating: 8.50 out of 10 – It’s surely a good product.
Worth Buying?: If you afford the high price, definitely. It’s a supplement that really works (at least in my case):
- decreased my knee pain
- also improved my joint mobility
The only big problem is its price – it’s too expensive, in my opinion.
I personally would not afford buying it on a monthly basis. That’s why it’s not among my top recommended supplements.
What I Liked About It
- Good ingredients overall (especially the Proprietary Blend)
- Contains the stronger form of glucosamine – the sulfate
- Easy to swallow pills
- You can choose between 2 kind of pills and a cream
- Works pretty well – compared to other supplements (in my case at least)
- Money back guarantee
- You can find it in several retailers
What I Didn’t Like About It
- Super expensive (about $50 per bottle)
- You need to take 4 pills per day, which is a lot
- Doesn’t mention the dose for each ingredient
- No chondroitin
- Didn’t decrease inflammation (in my case)
- Many negative reviews (but some don’t have solid proofs)
Flexcin – A Quick Overview
There’s one ingredient that makes Flexcin special – CM8:
- doesn’t exist in many products
- it seems to be pretty useful
Now – CM8 claims to help inflammation, which I can’t really confirm. In my case, Flexcin helped osteoarthritis – but not inflammation.
However, you can find this product in 3 forms:
- Load-up formula (for starters)
- Joint maintenance
- Cream
What I recommend you to do is to start with the load-up formula – because it has some higher doses.
See how it works, and if it’s helpful – continue with the maintenance formula. This is a bit cheaper, but it’s still pricey (around $40).
So it’s just the price that makes me not recommend Flexcin.
Other than that – I consider it a quality supplement (but mostly for osteoarthritis).
#1. Ingredients (7 out of 10)
Before I start, there’s something I need to point out:
- the ingredients are the same for both forms
- the load-up formula simply has a higher dose
- also, it requires 4 pills per day
But basically – they contain the same ingredients. Now – I would split the ingredients in 2 main groups:
- Vitamins + Minerals
- Proprietary Blend
The first group includes Vitamin C, calcium, zinc, cooper, manganese. Now, the truth is:
- these nutrients aren’t that important for joint problems
- they work more for joint health in general
So let’s take a closer look at the ingredients inside the Proprietary Blend.
1. CM8 (Cetyl Myristoleate) – it seems to decrease and improve joint pain and arthritis.
Even though it has very few studies behind, it seems to have positive results in reality.
2. Glucosamine Sulfate – it’s the best ingredients for rebuilding damaged cartilages.
3. MSM – it’s a natural anti-inflammatory:
- decreases joint swelling
- protects against further inflammation
4. Hydrolyzed Collagen Type II – it’s also good for damaged cartilages.
5. Other Ingredients – Enzyme Blend, Bororganic Glycine Complex, Bromelain.
#2. My Ingredients Conclusion
To be honest, Flexacin’s formula has 1 good point and 2 bad ones:
1. Glucosamine Sulfate – it’s great to see this form of glucosamine in these pills:
- compared to glucosamine HCl, it’s much better
- it has more studies behind (with positive results)
- it’s also more expensive as a lone substance
- I personally always had better results with it (than with the HCl)
2. No Exact Doses – that’s my biggest problem with Flexacin’s formula:
- all useful ingredients are put together in a Proprietary Blend
- there’s only the overall dose (of the blend)
Actually – what people need to know is the exact dose of each ingredient from the blend: CM8, glucosamine, etc.
Now, that’s not the first time I see this problem in a supplement.
And most of the times, producers are actually trying to hide a low dose in certain ingredients. Is this the case of Flexcin as well?
3. No Chondroitin – that’s another downside of Flexcin:
- glucosamine works best with chondroitin
- they increase each other’s power
Surprisingly, you don’t even need a high dose of chondroitin. Anything over 100 mg should be enough – that’s what many products contain.
#3. Pills (8 out of 10)
At this chapter – I will only talk about the 2 supplement forms. I haven’t tried the cream, so there’s not much I could say about it.
So here’s what you need to know about the pills:
1. How They Look – Fortunately, they’re easy to use:
- they look like gelatin capsules (not sure if they really are)
- pretty easy to swallow
- average dimensions
Now – I tried the load-up formula, but I think the pills look the same for the maintenance one too.
So there’s no much I can complain about here.
2. How To Take Them – I didn’t really like this part:
- for the load-up formula, you need to take 4 pills per day
- that is really uncomfortable
- you run the risk of forgetting about some of the pills
- the maintenance formula also requires 3 pills daily
Now – for the maintenance formula, things are pretty okay.
3 pills per day isn’t very little, but it’s still decent. Many supplements require that.
But 4 pills everyday is already uncomfortable. It’s really hard to remember about all 4 pills for one month, believe me.
#4. How It Works (9 out of 10)
I have to admit that I was positively surprised at this chapter.
So here’s what I can say about Flexcin:
- I tried the load-up formula (the red one).
- I didn’t have high expectations, but I started getting better after about 1 week.
- The pain from my knees was feeling better everyday.
- I could also get out of bed easier in the morning.
- After about 2 bottles, I noticed my knees were easier to bend down.
- So I think these pills also helped with flexibility.
Now – I had both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
And even though my knees did get much better, my RA didn’t:
- Mm hands were still pretty swollen
- even though the pain did get better, my inflammation didn’t decrease a lot
But anyway – I was really satisfied about Flexcin, as an osteoarthritis supplement.
Despite all the negative reviews I read about it, in my case it was effective. So nothing to complain about.
#5. Price (4 out of 10)
That’s one of the worst things about Flexcin, in my opinion:
- the load-up formula costs around $50 per bottle
- the maintenance one is similar
- it’s just the cream that has a decent price ($25 for 4 oz)
Now – I was really satisfied about Flexcin (in terms of how it worked). I totally admit it.
But for what it does, I think it costs way too much.
Honestly, it was better than 75% products on the market.
But I wouldn’t pay $50 on it when I can get the same relief with a $30 supplement. That’s actually the point.
So there’s no way I can praise Flexcin overall:
- it really works
- but for what it does, it’s way too expensive
- I can get the same relief for $20 less
For this reason – I would probably not buy it again. If you afford paying $50 on it every month, it’s surely an effective supplement.
#6. Other Opinions (6 out of 10)
As I said, most of the reviews I found on Flexcin were negative:
- Some were criticizing it for no real reason
- Others said it didn’t work at all
- And the last category claimed it was too expensive
Case #1 – many reviews were not recommending Flexcin for stupid reasons:
- not FDA approved
- can cause side effects
- may not work for everyone
Now – 99% of the supplements from the market aren’t FDA approved. That’s why they’re supplements – not prescription drugs.
Also, every pill, cream or drug you take can cause side effects. That’s not a reason to criticize them.
Case #2 – some people claimed it didn’t worked at all.
Now, this can surely be the case. Most joint supplements I personally tried weren’t effective – and I always criticize them.
But here’s the thing:
- Flexcin has a money back guarantee
- they claim to ask you no explanation and refund you straight away
So I’m just wondering – if Flexcin didn’t work for these people, why didn’t they ask for a refund?
Case #3 – too expensive.
At this chapter – I pretty much agree. Flexcin is a good product, but it’s also too expensive to buy on a monthly basis (for some at least).
So I would recommend something cheaper instead, for those people who can’t afford it.
#7. Best Things About Flexcin
There are definitely a lot of positive things about this supplement.
Here’s what I would praise it for:
- Good form of glucosamine (the sulfate).
- Money back guarantee with no answers needed.
- Really works (in my case at least).
- Quality ingredients overall.
- Available in several forms.
Now – I would probably not recommend the cream, because creams in general aren’t a proper treatment for arthritis.
But the supplements are surely very good.
Plus, the money back guarantee shows the company trusts the products (in my opinion at least).
However, just like every supplement – Flexcin also has a negative part.
#8. Worst Things About Flexcin
Obviously, it can’t be all good. So here’s what I personally didn’t appreciate about Flexcin:
- Too expensive for what it does.
- No exact doses for the main ingredients.
- No chondroitin.
- Didn’t work as well for inflammation.
- Many negative reviews.
Now – maybe I should have skipped the last fact, because I believe some of the negative reviews I read were fake.
However, there are also some on Amazon – which are surely authentic.
But it’s pretty obvious, since not every product can work for every person.
However – overall, the price is the biggest drawback of Flexcin, in my opinion.
I personally would not pay $50 every month when I can get a cheaper supplement, that’s all.
My Verdict – Is Flexcin Worth Buying?
Short answer: Definitely, as long as you afford the high price. It’s a pretty good supplement overall:
decreased my knee pain
- also improved my flexibility
- contains pretty good ingredients overall
- has a money back guarantee
So it’s that refund guarantee that makes me recommend it. Otherwise, I would have surely not advised you to pay $50 on it.
But even so, I personally prefer a cheaper product.
Flexcin is indeed effective – but it costs too much for what it does, in my opinion.
I mean – I can get the same improvement with several products. And out of those, there is one that costs at least $30 less.
So – I wouldn’t necessarily advise you to get that one instead, as long as you afford Flexcin.
But if this product is too expensive for you, I would recommend my favorite instead (mostly because of its price).
So it’s all up to you what you decide.