7 Ways To Use Turmeric For Knee Pain
If you’re a joint pain sufferer – you’ve surely heard of turmeric before. Many people believe that it’s the best natural treatment for swollen knees.
Considering my experience with arthritis – I can only agree.
For this reason, today I want to show you 7 ways you can use turmeric for knee pain.
Why did I choose knee pain?
- Because it’s the most frequent pain in our country – in all ages
Why turmeric?
- Because it’s the best herb I know for pain and inflammation
So how exactly can you use this herb? Can you cook the plant itself? Here are the best 7 ways to treat your pain with turmeric.
#1. Spicy Soup
In case you’re a fan of Indian cuisine – turmeric is the best spice to use for your soup.
You can make:
- a soup from your favorite vegetables
- a chicken soup
- or even a medicinal soup – all using this spice
Simply prepare the soup as you usually do, and add the turmeric powder at the end – to spice it up.
If you’re not used to its taste – start by adding just a little of this powder.
Turmeric is a pretty powerful spice: so it might taste a bit weird at first. But once you get used to it – you’re going to love it.
Obviously, the effect won’t appear from the first day:
- You have to use this herb for at least a week to start seeing some results
If you like the taste of it, you can continue to use it in your soups. But if you don’t, there are other 6 ways.
You can either change them everyday, or use this herb in the form you like best.
#2. Powder Paste
If turmeric isn’t a spice on your taste, the best way to use this herb is by applying it on your skin – just like regular creams.
However, there aren’t too many turmeric ointments on the market.
For this reason, I recommend you to create your own cream from turmeric powder:
- Mix one tablespoon of powder with 2 or 3 tablespoons of water
- Wait until the mixture becomes a thick paste
- You can add more water if you want to make it more liquid (I prefer to use it thicker)
- Apply this cream on the painful spot from your knees or joints
- Let it sit for about 15 minutes
The cream is too thick – so it won’t be totally absorbed in your skin.
But after these 15 minutes, you should notice an improvement in your pain. Use it everyday and your pain should gradually decrease.
#3. Turmeric Tea
Infusion is probably the easiest way to use any herb – and turmeric makes no exception.
You can use 2 forms of it for tea:
- the powder
- or the turmeric root
The only downside is that the root is harder to find in regular shops.
I personally prefer the powder, because it takes much less time to make the tea. But you can use the root as well.
As I said before, the taste of turmeric can be a bit weird, especially if you’re not used to it.
For this reason, I advise you to add some other ingredients:
- ginger and cinnamon – this combination has a better taste
- I always add a bit of honey or maple syrup (which are natural sweeteners)
But it’s all about how sweet or spicy you like the tea. There are other recipes as well – but this is the one I typically use and the one I recommend you too.
#4. Curcumin Supplements
If you’re a very busy person and you’re at the office all day long – supplements are the easiest choice for you.
There’s one thing I personally don’t like about these supplements:
- they don’t keep all the substances from the turmeric root
Most supplements focus on curcumin (the extract). They leave aside other compounds that are useful as well.
But it’s not all that bad.
The good news is that curcumin is the main responsible for calming down inflammation. And if you’re dealing with knee pain – it is usually because of inflammation.
So thanks to this curcumin, these supplements are actually cutting off the cause of your pain. And that’s what really matters, after all.
Unfortunately, most curcumin supplements from our market aren’t amazing. It’s either because:
- they have very low doses
- or the curcumin they use is bad quality
So it’s not that easy to find something that is worth buying.
If you want some recommendations, these ones are the really best that I tried.
#5. Salad Dressing
Are you a fan of salads and healthy snacks? Why don’t you take advantage of this and use turmeric as a dressing for your food?
Prepare a mixture from a few tablespoons of turmeric powder and water
- Mix until it gets similar to a paste
- If you want to make it more liquid, add some more water
Now, it’s all up to your taste – you can add other ingredients like:
- milk
- almonds
- oil or seeds
After you mix them all together, you can add this dressing over your fresh meal.
This is similar to eating turmeric soup – because you’re mixing the powder with other ingredients. But it’s like eating turmeric alone, so you get all the benefits of this herb.
#6. Turmeric Smoothie
Next time you make your morning smoothie, don’t forget about turmeric.
Adding this herb in your drink is one of the easiest ways to consume it – especially if you’re not crazy about its taste.
Obviously, the secret is to associate turmeric powder with sweet ingredients like:
- honey
- maple syrup
- different fruits
In this way, you will be able to cover its unpleasant taste.
However, if the spice of this herb doesn’t bother you – you can combine it with carrots or green vegetables like celery.
They won’t mask its taste, but if you like turmeric, this won’t be a problem.
These are just a few examples that I tried, but you can basically blend turmeric powder with anything you like.
Also, don’t worry if the color of your smoothie will change – turmeric powder has a strong shade of orange, so it usually colors every liquid in this shade.
#7. Herb Mix
Do you like salads and green vegetables? If you do, a salad of healthy herbs will be your new favorite food.
Turmeric is usually sold as a powder, but you can also find it as a fresh root. It looks similar to ginger, but in a brighter shade of orange.
If you manage to find turmeric root, try mixing it up with other herbs that help in inflammation:
- Celery is good for inflammation
- And so are nettles
In case you don’t like green herbs, you can try flax seeds. They are full of fatty acids – which are among the best substances when it comes to swelling problems.
On the other hand, you can also use the turmeric powder if you can’t find the root:
- It’s basically the same recipe
- But you will have to add some water as well
- Your salad will look more of a paste in the end
But don’t worry – the taste and the anti-inflammatory effects will stay the same.
As you can see, you have many options – it only depends of the ingredients you like best.
So How Will You Use Turmeric For Knee Pain?
Fortunately, turmeric isn’t a tricky herb – it keeps its proprieties whether it is dried, cooked or boiled.
There are so many ways to use this herb in order to get its benefits. It’s up to how you like to consume it:
- soup
- tea
- salad
- smoothie
- or sauce
If taking pills is easier for you – there are supplements designed for knee pain.
Turmeric can certainly relieve your knee pain, but don’t expect this to happen overnight:
- Try to consume this herb daily
- Or at least once every 2 days
If you get bored of using it as a spice for your soup – try making a tea from the powder or using it in your smoothie.
Just make sure you don’t forget to add this herb in your daily meals, in any form you want. If you do so, your knee pain should start to improve day by day.
Hi, have you tried combining turmeric with apple cider vinegar? I don’t have knee pain but my elbows are so painful almost all the time. I know it’s because of my workouts… but I thought my body would get used to it overtime. It seems like it didn’t. So I don’t want to give up my workouts but I still don’t want to be taking any pain killers.
Read many articles about turmeric and how it’s a natural pain reliever, but I’m not into supplements so much, I prefer something that I can make myself. I also read about apple cider vinegar and that it’s an amazing thing for pain. Do you think it’s safe mixing them up together in a smoothie/powder? Maybe you can give me some recipe that you used, that would really help.
Hi Donna, I’ve tried turmeric and apple cider vinegar – but separately.
You’re right – they’re both great for pain and inflammation. But I personally think that there’s a lot of hype around apple cider vinegar. I mean it’s really overestimated. I used it a lot of time and wasn’t really impressed (I have both RA and OA).
And I had way better results from ACV supplements than from the drink itself. That’s why I’m not the biggest fan.
But it will surely not hurt you. So if you want to take ACV with turmeric, it should be pretty simple – just get a bottle of organic ACV and a box of organic turmeric powder and mix them up.
I don’t know any exact recipe, but I would add about 1 tablespoon of turmeric at first. See how that tastes and works, and then you can add more or less depending on that.
But I think you can also find exact recipes on the Internet, I simply never tried this combination.
PS: I think your pain could even go away on its own, you only need a break. You don’t have to stop working out forever, just give your arms a break for a week or two and do some workouts for the rest of your body. If you also take turmeric, the pain will surely go away in 1 week.
If it comes back later, try to slow down with your arms routine – so that your body can get used to it slowly.
I don’t think there’s a major problem causing your pain, so that should be enough.
I have Arthritis in my knees. I have a bottle of Turmeric Oil. What is the proper way to use turmeric oil for arthritis?
Do you rub in on the joints?
Hi Gail, you probably have an essential Turmeric oil. In this case – yes, you should rub it on the painful joint, massage with your fingers for a few seconds and then let it sit. The oil should soak in in a couple of minutes and your pain should get better.
However – using turmeric topically isn’t the best way, for 2 reasons:
1) Relief only lasts a few hours at most. Then the pain comes back as strong as before.
2) You have to reapply it several times a day. The number depends on several factors, like the intensity of your pain, the level of relief you get, etc.
My advice is to continue using this turmeric oil – but if your pain is strong, you should also take it as pills. Here are the best turmeric supplements I know, which have some major advantages over the topical form:
– better absorption overall
– your body received all the quantity of active ingredients
– higher dosages
– relief is much better on the long term
So you can associate turmeric pills with the oil easily. But I strongly advise you to start taking some pills as well, because they’re much better than the oil itself. Hope this helps.