Is Instaflex Joint Support A Scam? (My Honest Review)

Is Instaflex Joint Support A Scam? (My Honest Review)

It’s time to review Instaflex Joint Support – because this product is getting more and more popular.

And to be honest, it doesn’t look too bad:

  • great ingredients/dosages
  • many positive reviews

However – it’s also extremely expensive at almost $50/bottle.

So is Instaflex Joint Support a scam? Could its high promises be fake?

Well – I tried this supplement myself, so here’s all the hidden truth behind.

Note: This review is based on my experience + opinion on Instaflex.


So Let’s Get To The Review

Full Name: Instaflex from Joint Support

Is Instaflex Joint Support A Scam?

Versions: There is only one (for 30 days).

Best Actual Price: About $50

Cheapest Place To Buy: Probably Amazon, but they also have low prices on Ebay.

Designed For: Joint relief in general – according to the label.

However, I would recommend it for cartilage damage and OA:

  • contains cartilage rebuilders
  • improves joint lubrication

It also contains some anti-inflammatory herbs, but in low dosages.

That’s why I doubt it would work for inflammatory pain (like rheumatoid arthritis).

My Rating: 7 out of 10 – It could be better for the price.

Worth Buying?: Not really – because it’s way too expensive:

  • no original/trademark ingredient
  • doesn’t work so well for inflammatory pain
  • costs way too much for what it does

Now – it’s a great supplement for knee pain (at least in my case). But that’s pretty much it – it didn’t help my swollen joints.

So at $50 per monthly supply – I would definitely not recommend it.


What I Liked About It

  • Many herbal extracts (Ginger, Willow Bark, Boswellia)
  • Works pretty fast – compared to other products
  • Effective for certain problems (knee pain)
  • It has some clinical trials going on at this point [1]
  • Available in many retailers
  • You can find many authentic reviews about it


What I Didn’t Like About It

  • Only effective for knee pain/osteoarthritis (in my case)
  • Doesn’t work for inflammatory pain or swollen joints (due to low doses of anti-inflammatory)
  • No bioperine (to increase turmeric’s absorption)
  • Extremely expensive
  • You need to take 3 pills per day
  • Might cause stomach pain as a side effect



What Is Instaflex? A Quick Overview

Shortly – it’s a supplement designed to help joint pain.

According to the label, it promises 3 major improvements:

  1. Reduces inflammation.
  2. Relieves joint pain.
  3. Increases mobility.

However – my experience with it doesn’t agree with all these 3 promises (but more on that below).

Now – Instaflex contains classic ingredients for joint pain, which is surely an advantage.

But at $50 per bottle, I would expect at least 1 original/trademark ingredient.

Otherwise – why does it cost so much when it only contain classic substances?

That’s my #1 question about it, because I (and others too) consider it a very expensive supplement.

So is there a scam behind Instaflex? Or does it really work – despite being overpriced?

It’s time to get into more details about it.


#1 – Ingredients (9 out of 10)

To be honest – Insteflex’s ingredients look really good at first sight:

  • essential substances (glucosamine, MSM, turmeric)
  • high doses for most

What caught my eye first is that Instaflex contains both anti-inflammatory and cartilage re-builders.

However – there are 2 essential things it lacks:

  1. Chondroitin (glucosamine works much better combined with it)
  2. Bioperine (turmeric isn’t absorbed well without it)

So that’s the reason why Instaflex’s ingredients aren’t amazing – just good.

As I said, the ingredients can be divided in 2 classes:

  1. Cartilage Rebuilders
  2. Anti-inflammatory

So let’s take a quick look at each.

1. Cartilage Rebuilders

These class of substances work best for osteoarthritis. In OA – the pain is caused by cartilage tear.

So these substances help by rebuilding damaged cartilages:

1. Glucosamine Sulfate (1500 mg) – it’s the best substance for OA:

  • fastest cartilage rebuilder
  • protects the joints from further damage
  • has many studies behind [2]

Instaflex also uses the classic form of glucosamine (the sulfate) – which has the best results.

2. MSM (500 mg) – it’s naturally produced by our bodies, but its level decreases after aging:

  • controls inflammation [3]
  • improves joint lubrication
  • increases protection from further damage

3. Hyaluronic Acid (4 mg) – this ingredient is quite useless here, in my opinion:

  • Hyaluronic acid is effective when injected directly into the joints
  • when taken by mouth, you need a higher dose (about 200 mg) [4]
  • Instaflex only contains 4 mg, which are quite useless

2. Anti-inflammatory

These are mostly herbal extracts meant to decrease swollen joints. 

However – I don’t trust this formula too much because the doses are quite low here (unlike in cartilage rebuilders).

1. Willow Bark Extract (250 mg) – it’s the herbal version of aspirin, so it’s meant to decrease inflammation. [5]

2. Ginger Root Extract (250 mg) – it has several benefits for joint pain.

3. Boswellia Extract (125 mg) – it’s one of the best herbs for inflammation. [6]

4. Turmeric Extract (50 mg) – in my opinion, it’s the #1 natural anti-inflammatory.

However – it’s not very helpful here:

  • 50 mg is a very low dose
  • it’s poorly absorbed without bioperine

5. Cayenne Extract – hot pepper is great at reducing pain, but it works best when applied on the skin.

If you take it by mouth, it’s quite strong – so potentially dangerous.


Instaflex’s formula doesn’t look bad at all – but it has a few problems:

  1. No chondroitin to increase the power of glucosamine.
  2. Low doses for anti-inflammatory herbs.
  3. No bioperine for turmeric.
  4. Minimal dose of hyaluronic acid.

Other than that, the ingredients look pretty good (especially glucosamine and MSM). 

So despite the few problems, Instaflex should still work pretty well. Judging after its ingredient list.


#2 – How To Take It (8 out of 10)

Instaflex isn’t the best supplement I tried – in terms of pills.

But I will try to give you more details about them here.

1. Pills Facts

Now – I personally heard quite a few negative things about Instaflex’s pills. 

They were either too thick, or hard to swallow.

But things were quite different once I received my bottle and could see for myself:

  • regular pills made of gelatin
  • average dimensions
  • quite easy to swallow (due to their gelatin cover)

So basically – all those negative rumors were fake. Instaflex’s pills aren’t anything scary.

2. The Schedule

I will tell you something I personally noticed here.

Now – here’s what Instaflex’s label recommends:

  • you should take 3 pills per day
  • make sure you drink enough water
  • doesn’t mention when you should take them

So normally – I would space the pills out throughout the day (morning, afternoon and evening).

However, I noticed the effect was much better if I took all 3 pills together.

It may sound weird (or maybe it’s just a coincidence) – but I could really see an improvement after switching to this schedule.

It’s true that it’s quite hard to take 3 pills one after the other. But in my case, it was more effective.

Now – there’s another tip I want to give you:

  • always take the pills after eating
  • I used to take them before food at first
  • so in the first days, my stomach was constantly hurting
  • once I took them after eating, the pain went away


#3 – My Results (7 out of 10)

Instaflex does work – but only for certain types of pain.

That was my conclusion after using 1 bottle. 

1. My Background

I had both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. 

My RA started many years ago and it was my #1 problem. Due to cartilage erosion in my knees, I also developed a secondary OA.

So here’s what I could say about my joints:

  • RA was affecting my hands and elbows, OA just my knees
  • My hands and elbows were constantly painful (about 6)
  • I also had morning stiffness
  • The pain from my knees wasn’t so bad (about a 2)
  • However, I had lost most of my flexibility and couldn’t move well

So I wanted to see if Instaflex could relieve my pain (and which) and improve my mobility.

Judging after its ingredients – it should be more helpful for my OA (my RA was a severe form, so it would need a stronger formula).

2. How It Worked

Instaflex did work – but not as well as it should have. That’s my overall impression:

  1. I started seeing a small improvement after 1 week.
  2. My knees were a bit easier to bend.
  3. My knee pain decreased in the next weeks (slowly).
  4. After about 1 month, they weren’t hurting almost at all.
  5. Also, they seemed to be a lot more flexible (compared to 1 month before).

Is Instaflex Joint Support A Scam? (My Honest Review)

So in terms of knees, Instaflex was quite helpful.

But that was pretty much it – my RA pain didn’t get any better:

  1. I still had flare-ups every 3-4 days.
  2. My morning stiffness didn’t last less than 50 minutes.
  3. The overall pain was still about a 6.
  4. My hands were as swollen as before.

So ironically, Instaflex was so helpful for my OA knees. But in terms of inflammatory pain, it didn’t do a thing.

Now – it’s true that I only took 1 bottle of Instaflex. But I doubt that taking 2 or 3 would have changed anything.

Besides, it was too expensive to continue using it (since I saw what it can mainly do).


 Instaflex was useful for my osteoarthritic knees.

But regarding my RA and inflammation, there was minimal improvement.

So I personally wouldn’t recommend it – unless you have too much money to spare.

It does help osteoarthritis, but why pay $50 on it when you can get a similar product for less than $30?



#4 – Other Opinions (7 out of 10)

First of all – there are lots of real customer reviews about Instaflex online.

And I’m not talking about the ones from the official website.

Secondly – there quite a lot of different opinions. So it’s hard to draw a conclusion.

Note: I only considered authentic reviews, not the ones based on general info.

1. What People Say

As I said – opinions were quite mixed up:

  1. Some people said it helped tremendously.
  2. Others praise it for its powerful effect.
  3. A few said they could see an improvement really fast.
  4. Others say they couldn’t see any difference even in 3 months. 
  5. There were enough complaining about side effects.
  6. And obviously, some complained that it’s really overpriced.

So I couldn’t really tell if Instaflex works – based only on these reviews.

They all seem authentic (and I’m sure they are).

So the only explanation is that Instaflex is only effective for certain people – not for everyone.

2. One Common Pattern

Though the reviews were very different, I managed to find a mutual point:

Most satisfied customers were suffering from knee osteoarthritis.

To put it differently:

  • many people praised Instaflex for soothing their knee pain
  • very few praised it for other types of pain
  • I couldn’t find too many satisfied customers with RA

Now – I also had a positive effect in my knees, but that was it. My RA pain didn’t get any better.

So I personally don’t think it’s just a coincidence.

Instaflex is probably more effective for osteoarthritis or knee pain. 

In other kinds of arthritis, it doesn’t work too well. That’s my overall conclusion after reading these reviews.


#5 – Price (2 out of 10)

To be honest – Instaflex is one of the priciest supplements I tried overall. 

That is the main reason why I’m far from being its fan.

1. The Exact Price

Instaflex is still expensive at its lowest price:

  • it costs $48.85 on Amazon
  • that’s only the 30 days supply
  • you can’t really find it cheaper than that

Basically – the quantity for 1 month costs almost $50.

If that’s not expensive, I don’t know what other supplement is.

So I personally would not buy Instaflex on a monthly basis. I wouldn’t afford it, first of all.

But even if I did, paying $50 on a joint supplement seems way too much to me. Especially when there are so many cheaper products that work really well.

2. Competitors’ Price

I will only compare Instaflex with my #1 recommended supplement – ProJoint Plus. 

Now, ProJoint Plus has very similar ingredients (except that they’re a bit better). 

But even so – it’s a lot more affordable.

  1. PJP costs about $30 per bottle (vs $50 Instaflex).
  2. If you buy more bottles, they will offer you a discount. 
  3. So you can get it for about $19 per bottle.

ProJoint Plus doesn’t work for inflammatory pain either.

However, in terms of OA and knee pain – it works as well as Instaflex (if not a bit better).

So considering it’s also much cheaper, I prefer to use it instead of spending $50 on Instaflex.


#6 – Where To Find It (10 out of 10)

That’s probably the best thing about Instaflex – you can buy it from several retailers. 

Now – my top recommendation would usually be the official website:

  • have the best offers/discounts
  • the only one offering money back guarantee

However, Instaflex’s price on the official website is higher than on Amazon.

That why I would advise you to choose Amazon, in case you want to buy Instaflex.

Other options you have are:

  1. Ebay – the lowest prices, but more dangerous.
  2. Walgreens – might be more comfortable for some.
  3. Lucky Vitamins – also a higher price.

So my top choice for Instaflex would be Amazon, followed by Ebay or Walgreens.


#7 – Final Conclusions

Here’s how I would sum up my opinion on Instaflex in 3 conclusions.

1. Good For Knee Pain

In my case, Instaflex worked quite well for my knee OA:

  • decreased my pain almost completely
  • improved my mobility
  • strengthened my knees

Besides – I read many other reviews praising it for that. 

So if you thought it might be a scam, well – it’s far from that.

2. Weak For Inflammation

Despite helping my achy knees – Instaflex wasn’t effective for my rheumatoid arthritis:

  • didn’t decrease the swelling
  • my pain didn’t get any lower
  • I still had often flare-ups

So I would surely recommend it ONLY for someone with knee osteoarthritis.

For inflammatory pain, I don’t think it’s strong enough.

3. Really Overpriced

To be honest, Instaflex is extremely expensive. 

It costs almost $50 per bottle – only the 30 days supply.

Now – I personally can’t find any explanation for its super high price:

  • doesn’t contain any original substance
  • no trademark ingredient
  • no amazing formula

You can actually find the same ingredients in a $30 product (plus something more). 

So in my opinion, Instaflex is way too overpriced. That’s why it’s not worth it.



My Verdict – Is Instaflex Joint Support A Scam?

Short answer: Definitely not, it’s 100% legit.

Is Instaflex Joint Support A Scam?However – it’s not an amazing supplement either:

  • works very well for knee osteoarthritis
  • less effective for inflammatory pain
  • extremely expensive (at almost $50 per month)

So even though it’s not a scam – I wouldn’t buy Instaflex again.

It’s simply too overpriced, considering you can find the same formula in a $30 product (plus some extra ingredients as well).

Therefore – if you have OA or knee pain, you can try Instaflex. 

It will surely help, but I only recommend it if you have too much money to spare.

Otherwise – I would buy something much cheaper that works just as well.

But sure enough, it’s your own choice. So hopefully – you will take the right decision.


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Heather Pharm.D.

Heather Tracy Foley is a Pharmacy graduate, Blogger and Author with a vast experience in health sciences. She has a particular interest in joint pain and rheumatology and spent several years studying health problems. You can find her on Pinterest or via email.

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6 Responses

  1. Matthew says:

    I took it for 2 months and it only made me feel worse. I had psoriatic arthritis and the pain was worse in my elbows (where I also had the worst psoriasis). These pills didn’t do anything for it, they only made me vomit everyday. After a while the vomiting stopped, but I was still felling nauseous. I would not recommend them by any means.

  2. Heather says:

    Hi Matthew, sorry to hear about your symptoms. I never experienced vomiting or nausea while on Instaflex, but I heard about a lot of people who did. So there’s another reason why I wouldn’t recommend it.

  3. Hamilton O'Connor says:

    Hello Heather, I wanted to buy this product but I decided to check out other opinions before. I read a lot of reviews of folks that were disappointed by it, but no one explained clearly why. Until I came across your website.

    Thanks for your thorough explanation. People like me really needed something like this to understand why this supplement doesn’t work. I’ve got a back pain that’s not caused by any arthritis, so maybe in my case it wouldn’t be that bad. But I still don’t want to risk, as there are too much money involved.

    I will try that supplement you recommend, do you think it’s good for my case?

  4. Heather says:

    Hi Hamilton, thanks for your kind words. It’s so good to know people benefit from my articles.

    From what you’re telling me, Instaflex isn’t the best supplement you can buy. Yes, as you’re not suffering from arthritis, it might help, but it’s not sure. So when it’s not sure, I wouldn’t advise you to invest much money in something. Better choose this product instead, because it’s much cheaper. And if this one doesn’t work, then go for a more expensive alternative.

    When it comes to the alternative I recommend, I truly believe it should improve your pain. It works in several types of pain, including back pain. Compared to Instaflex, it’s much cheaper and it does pretty much the same (or even more actually).

    Let me know what you decide on.

  5. Martha Sulton says:

    I know everybody’s talking about Instaflex but that’s just because it’s so advertised everywhere. It’s a good product but not worth $50, especially when the market is full of joint supplements. I’m guessing all the extra cash from its price is made to pay the advertising. For me Instaflex is just overpriced, really appreciate the fact that you were honest. Thanks!

  6. Heather Pharm.D. says:

    Hi Martha, thanks for sharing your view on Instaflex. Unfortunately, I also see it as an overpriced product – which is  a sad thing, because it has a good formula and ingredients. But they cost way too much.

    I never thought this high price could be a consequence of that huge advertising it has behind. But now that I think about it, it totally makes sense – so you’re probably right.

    I don’t know what products you’re using right now – but there are enough glucosamine supplements similar to Instaflex as a formula, which have a really affordable price. Not all of them are cheap, but many are. So you might find a better alternative on that list.

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